
He was looking at us. Probably wondering what all the commotion was about. What were all those people doing, waiting in line, and the others buzzing about, busy. I noticed him watching us. The bars make it look like we were in some secure facility. Really the entire other side of the gate was wide open, and we had tons of children running about, playing soccer, and other games with the missionaries. He was intent, however, to watch.

We were in the heart of Nicaragua, on a medical mission with some doctors, nurses, and first year med students from the University of Miami. I am not medically inclined so I was given a camera and a task to take photos. My fist experience with a digital camera. I took tons of pictures that week, but this one stuck with me. This kid, just staring.

Was he an Orphan? Was he scared of us? What was he thinking?

I will never know the answers to those questions, but I do know what we are called to do with those called "Orphans". We are commissioned to help look after them. To help those that seemingly cannot help themselves. Do we, help? do we make a difference? I think so. But we must pay attention, and search for more opportunities, because just as blessed as we are, there are those that have nothing.

James 1:2