
But, seek first the kingdom of God and His Righteousness...

I learned about perspective in my high school art class. Props to my teacher Mr VanDam. Ya, his name totally kicks butt. Anyway, basically visual perspective is that everything you see, every line, every angle, everything in the three dimensional world goes to a point in linear space known as a vanishing point. Many of the masters of the Renascence were also extremely good at understanding three dimensional perspective and how to develop the vanishing points so that the paintings had more depth.

Perspective in life is not always as easy as tracing lines to a point in a painting. Often times we get bogged down in all of the noise in the foreground, like objects that block lines to the focal points. This can be so prevalent, that we loose sight of what really matters. I recently had someone tell me, in a serious situation, that they didn't see God in it. At first I was upset, then I wanted to get defensive, but after I thought about it, I realized no one involved, including myself, was having the right perspective. If we seek God first, Look at the point that points to Him, we will have the right perspective, and we will see that He is in and through everything, even the difficult things.

Just a cool tidbit of info, if you didn't know, When Leonardo Da Vinci painted the "Last Supper", he designed the image so that all of the perspective points pointed to the figure in the middle of the painting...That would be Jesus. Looks like he had the right perspective after all.

Matthew 6:33